February 27
EU Taxonomy, how does it affect you?
Carbon Stories #12
KeilepandKeilestraat Rotterdam
Thursday 27 February 2025, 19:30-21:30 European Green Deal, ESG, CSRD, ESRS, SFDR, SMEs, ETS I, ETS II, CBAM, GWP, GHG Protocol…. are you still there? This 15th edition of Carbon Stories provides a clear and comprehensive understanding of the EU Taxonomy's mechanisms and how they affect the work of municipalities,…
December 16, 2024
Brussel: Book presentation It’s About Time: The Architecture of Climate Change
CIVA — Kluisstraat 55 — 1050 BrusselKluisstraat 55, Elsene
Date: Monday, December 16, 2024 Time: 7:00 PM Location: CIVA — Kluisstraat 55 — 1050 Brussel Admission: Free Registration: Required, Register here Description The IABR proudly presents the launch of It’s About Time. The Architecture of Climate Change, offering a unique opportunity to engage with authors Véronique…
November 27
The Value of Carbon
Carbon Stories #11
KeilepandKeilestraat Rotterdam
Systemic interventions are essential to accelerate the transition towards a built environment that stores carbon. What is the potential impact of assigning monetary value to construction stored carbon? The 14 th Carbon Stories edition explores this question in a debate with Sacha Brons (Climate Cleanup), Nina van der…
November 25, 2024
Book presentation It’s About Time: The Architecture of Climate Change
IJzaal, Pakhuis de ZwijgerVeemkade Amsterdam
Date: Monday, November 25, 2024 Time: 7:30 PM Location: IJzaal, PDZ Admission: Free Registration: Required, Register here Description In collaboration with publisher NAI010, IABR presents the book launch of It’s About Time: The Architecture of Climate Change. Professor Derk Loorbach will discuss the practice of…
November 20 - November 22, 2024
Panorama Ukraine: Resilient Energy Production
Microlab RotterdamHennekijnstraat Rotterdam
The ongoing war in Ukraine has fundamentally transformed the country's energy landscape. From being an energy-proficient nation that exported power as a significant contributor to its GDP, Ukraine now faces unprecedented challenges in maintaining its energy security. However, these challenges have also catalyzed a…
November 13
A Knowledge Sharing Seminar
Architecture and Spatial Justice in Palestine
Independent School for the CityDelftsestraat 33, Rotterdam
Check the recording: Videorecording “When I think of Gaza, I envision a house full of life, 12 grandchildren rushing in on Fridays to eat maqluba, a family feast. I long to see Gaza depicted as a place of life, not just death and destruction. I crave this comforting illusion wrapped in wishful delusion.” — Saja…
October 25, 2024
Panorama Ukraine: Recovery by Design
Kastanjelaan 500, Eindhoven
We are excited to announce a special event during Dutch Design Week 2024: Panorama Ukraine: Recovery by Design Time: 10:00-12:30 This collaborative project brings together Dutch and Ukrainian architects and experts to develop innovative rebuilding strategies for Ukraine, using research by design to address global…
October 21, 2024
Building ecologies of relational futures
Scaling up Biobased Construction
Kastanjelaan 500, Eindhoven
‘Scaling up Biobased Construction,’ featuring the work of Studio Marco Vermeulen & research by CHRITH Architects and Emma Diehl Studio is organized by IABR and Built by Nature. Join us on DDW Mission Day: 'Living Environment' on Monday October 21st at Natlab in Eindhoven. Register Program Biobased construction…
September 11, 2024
Transition! From theory to practice
Carbon Stories #10
Keilestraat 9FKeilestraat 9F, Rotterdam
This 12th edition wraps up the second year of the debate series Carbon Stories. This milestone takes place in the setting of the exhibition ‘HOW DO WE WANT TO BUILD M4H 2030’ spanning 200 years of building practice, from 1900 to 2100. Carbon Stories brings this intergenerational approach to the stage with an inspiring…
June 11 - June 14, 2024
Panorama Ukraine Workshop
Workshop Healthy and Future-Proof Neighborhoods
Nieuwe InstituutMuseumpark 25, Rotterdam
Panorama Ukraine invites you to participate in the three-day workshop Healthy and Future-Proof Neighborhoods. Panorama Ukraine is researching the rebuilding of Ukraine from different perspectives and this workshop is focused on redefining neighborhoods for the twenty-first century and beyond. Hosted in Rotterdam from…
April 25
Carbon Neutral High-Rise?
Carbon Stories #8
KeilepandKeilestraat 9F, Rotterdam
High-rise in times of fighting climate change. Is it desirable? Can it be done in a responsible manner? Is carbon neutral high-rise within the realm of possibilities? Thursday, April 25, GROUP A-CARBONLAB, the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) and the KeileCollectief are organizing the 9th Carbon…
April 10
Welcoming Wednesday #12
IABR OfficeKeilestraat 9, Rotterdam
This moment is fully booked. Stay informed about new moments by subscribing to our newsletter. Are you an architect, researcher, urban designer, or writer and is the IABR not yet familiar with your work? We are always looking for new partnerships to work together towards a future that is more sustainable, inclusive…
March 13
Welcoming Wednesday #11
IABR OfficeKeilestraat 9, Rotterdam
This moment is fully booked. Stay informed about new moments by subscribing to our newsletter. We cordially invite you to participate in Welcoming Wednesday, an opportunity to share your research or portfolio with IABR General and Artistic Director Saskia van Stein. On Wednesday 13th of March, we will open our doors…
February 22
Nomad Century: How Climate Migration Will Reshape Our World
Carbon Stories - Special Edition
KeilepandKeilestraat 9F, Rotterdam
In this special edition of Carbon Stories we welcome award winning journalist Gaia Vince to discuss her bold and widely acclaimed book ‘Nomad Century: How Climate Migration Will Reshape Our World’. Coastlines diminishing year on year. Wildfires and hurricanes leaving widening swaths of destruction. Droughts…
February 7
Welcoming Wednesday #10
IABR OfficeKeilestraat Rotterdam
We cordially invite you to participate in Welcoming Wednesday, an opportunity to share your research or portfolio with IABR General and Artistic Director Saskia van Stein. On Wednesday 7 February, we will open our doors for informative and inspiring meetings by appointment. If you are an architect, researcher, urban…
December 14, 2023
Youssef Louakili visits BoTu and M4H
Bospolder-Tussendijken district and the former Merwe-Vierhavens city harbor areaKeilestraat 9, Rotterdam
After the unexpected resignation of Dutch State Secretary Uslu, we are delighted to welcome deputy State Secretary and director of the Creative Industry, Youssef Louakili, for a visit to the Bospolder-Tussendijken district and the former Merwe-Vierhavens city harbor area, at the invitation of the IABR, on 14 December.…
December 6
Welcoming Wednesday #9
IABR OfficeKeilestraat 9, Rotterdam
We cordially invite you to participate in Welcoming Wednesday, an opportunity to share your research or portfolio with IABR General and Artistic Director Saskia van Stein. On Wednesday 6 December, we will open our doors for informative and inspiring meetings by appointment. If you are an architect, researcher, urban…
November 30
Debate ‘Circular in 2050, Dream or Reality?'
Carbon Stories #6
Het KeilepandKeilestraat 9F, Rotterdam
In the Keilepand, on Thursday 30 November, GROUP A-CARBONLAB, the Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR), and the KeileCollectief will present the 6th Carbon Stories debate under the title ‘Circular in 2050, Dream or Reality?’. During this evening Metabolic, New Horizon, RE-BORN Real Estate, and BlueCity will share…
November 27 - December 1, 2023
Panorama Ukraine: Working on Water
KeilepandKeilestraat 9, Rotterdam
The first Panorama Ukraine workshop Working on Water will take place in the Keilepand in Rotterdam from 27 November to 1 December. During this workshop, designers, municipalities, and water experts will work on the reconstruction of the Dnipro Delta region in Ukraine, the area where the Kakhovka Dam in southern…
November 23
Ministry of Make! Contributes to the Brabantse Week van het Wonen
De provincie Noord-BrabantBrabantlaan 1, 's-Hertogenbosch
On Thursday 23 November 2023 the Province of Noord-Brabant and the Ministry of Make! will present the debate ‘Wonen in Brabant volgens het Ministerie van Maak!’ (Living in Brabant according to the Ministry of Make!). During this physical meeting, which can also be followed online, two design teams, ZOETMULDER and…
November 17
Land for Living
City Makers conference
Gooilandsingel 95, Rotterdam
The IABR will contribute to the City Makers conference (Stadmakerscongres), which will be held on 17 November in Theater Rotterdam, participating in the session Land for Living (Grond voor Wonen0 organized by Platform Woonopgave (Sanne van Manen and Mark Minkjan) at the invitation of AIR. This session will include an…
November 3, 2023
Jeux des Joules
Nieuwe InstituutMuseumpark 25, Rotterdam
The transition to renewable energy has major spatial implications in terms of urban design, infrastructure, and energy production. This energy transition has profound sociocultural, economic, and political implications and offers opportunities to discover a new energy economy and social cohesion. At the same time, we…
November 1 - November 7, 2023
Ministry of Make! x Gelderland
Het Huis der ProvincieMarkt 11, Arnhem
Get in touch with the imagination and ideas of the design-oriented Netherlands From 1 to 7 November, the Ministry of Make! exhibition can be visited in the Huis der Provincie in Arnhem. The models from the province of Gelderland on display are by Jona 20in2040, Vals Plåt, CITYFÖRSTER, Experimentele Woningbouw…
October 25
Welcoming Wednesday #8
IABR OfficeKeilestraat 9, Rotterdam
Share your research or portfolio with IABR Director Saskia van Stein on Welcoming Wednesday. On Welcoming Wednesday, the IABR opens its doors to inspiring encounters with new people. Are you an architect, researcher, urban designer, writer, or simply interested in the global climate crisis and would like to think…
October 21 - October 29, 2023
New Store 1.0
Residency for the PeopleKerkstraat 1, Eindhoven
During this Dutch Design Week 2023, Nieuwe Instituut presents the first test version of New Store: a project that explores the possibilities (and challenges) of regenerative retail. In this first New Store pilot, we will test forms of consumption and invite visitors to try out regenerative products. This is the first…
September 27, 2023
Welcoming Wednesday #7
IABR OfficeKeilestraat 9, Rotterdam
During Welcoming Wednesday we open our IABR-doors to you. Are you an architect, a researcher, an urban designer, a writer or do you want to share ideas on how to contribute to the societal challenges we face? Is there something you want to ask, share, tell or show Saskia van Stein (general and artistic director of the…
September 25 - October 27, 2023
Ministry of Make! x Apeldoorn
Het WaterschapshuisSteenbokstraat 10, Apeldoorn
Starting 25 September, the Ministry of Make! will be taking part in an exhibition in the Waterschapshuis in Apeldoorn (Steenbokstraat 10). The models on display, representing the area of the Waterschap Vallei and the Veluwe (part of the provinces of Utrecht, Gelderland and Overijssel), have been created by…
September 21
Dabate 'Architects, let's calculate and act on CO2 reduction!'
Carbon Stories #5
Keilestraat 9F, Rotterdam
On Thursday 21 September, the fifth edition of Carbon Stories will take place in the Keilepand in Rotterdam. The Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) and architecture firm GROUP A I CarbonLab and KeileCollectief initiate these talks to catalyze the necessary transitions in the building industry. Each edition looks…
June 30
Water Night with Shrishtee Bajpai
Nieuwe InstituutMuseumpark 25, Rotterdam
Rotterdam Architecture Month, Nieuwe Instituut (NI) and International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) have invited researcher, writer and environmental activist Shrishtee Bajpai, to speak about global water-related issues. Her practice is situated in India. In her keynote she will highlight the urban,…
June 30
During Water Day
Water Workshop
Festival heart - MaassiloMaashaven Zuidzijde Rotterdam
On June 30th, IABR, AIR and Nieuwe Instituut organise a Water Workshop as part of the Rotterdam Architecture Month 2023: During this working session, initiators, residents, policymakers, designers, and interest groups will come together to think about how we can connect small-scale initiatives to the large-scale water…
June 22
Debate 'Klimaatpositieve Stedenbouw'
Carbon Stories #4
KeilepandKeilestraat 9F, Rotterdam
Mede namens CITYFÖRSTER nodigen we je van harte uit voor de vierde editie van de debatserie Carbon Stories. Deze avond zoomen we in op het thema duurzaam verstedelijken. Sprekers uit verschillende disciplines in de bouwsector delen hun kennis, visie en bediscussiëren welke veranderingen noodzakelijk zijn. Hoe krijgen…
June 21 - July 14, 2023
with Gemeente Leeuwarden
Ministry of Make! x Nederland Noord (Friesland, Groningen, Drenthe)
De HarmonieRuiterskwartier 4, Leeuwarden
On Wednesday, 21 June, at 4:30 PM, the opening of the Atelier Stadsbouwmeester will take place in the Stadsschouwburg De Harmonie in Leeuwarden. A place to share knowledge, think together and inspire each other about the future of Leeuwarden and its villages. A total of ten models from the Ministry of Make!, an…
June 16, 2023
Women in Architecture
Festival heart - MaassiloMaashaven Zuidzijde Rotterdam
On Friday afternoon 16 June nai010 is organising a symposium at the festival heart of the Rotterdam Architecture Month. The symposium celebrates the launch of Women in Architecture, the first publication of the project ‘Documents and Histories: a series publications and events in which missing voices within…
June 14, 2023
New Store - Back Office
KeilepandKeilestraat 9, Rotterdam
The second edition of the dialogue series New Store - Back Office will take place on Wednesday 14 June 2023 from 5 to 7.30 p.m. at the Keilepand, Rotterdam. Featuring presentations by jewelry designer Irma Foldenyi, designer and researcher Selçuk Balamir, architect Tom Frantzen and others. The follow-up discussion…
June 13, 2023
Debate 'Geld speelt (g)een rol'
Carbon Stories #3
RAIEuropaplein Amsterdam
De derde editie van de debatserie Carbon Stories vindt plaats tijdens de vastgoedbeurs Provada. Vanuit de RAI Amsterdam ligt de nadruk op de financiële kant van de transitie naar een klimaatpositieve gebouwde omgeving. Sprekers uit verschillende disciplines in de bouwsector delen hun kennis, visie en tonen aan dat…
April 20, 2023
Lecture and dialogue Systemische Innovatie
Carbon Stories #2
KeilepandKeilestraat 9F, Rotterdam
On April 20, KeileCollectief, CARBONLAB | GROUP A and IABR organize the second edition of the debate series Carbon Stories. This evening, together with speakers from different disciplines, we zoom in on systemic innovation in the building sector. Architect Peter van Assche (bureau SLA) and senior advisor sustainable…
March 24, 2023
Water Works, Ecologies of Entanglement
OASESchiehaven Rotterdam
Internationale Architectuur Biënnale Rotterdam (IABR) en Embassy of Water bundelen hun krachten en organiseren een speciaal waterevenement op vrijdag 24 maart, als geaccrediteerd parallel evenement van de VN Water Conferentie in New York, dit jaar georganiseerd door Tajikistan en Nederland. Je bent van harte…
March 17
For Turkey, Syria and the Kurdish regions
Nieuwe InstituutMuseumpark 25, Rotterdam
Nieuwe Instituut organises a fundraising event for all those directly and indirectly affected by the earthquakes in the Turkish, Syrian and Kurdish regions. In collaboration with the fundraising initiative Artists in Solidarity Netherlands, IABR, Kunstinstuut Melly, Mondriaan Fonds, Stimuleringsfonds, Rijksakademie…
February 23
Debate 'Climate Positive Materials'
Carbon Stories #1
KeilepandKeilestraat 9F, Rotterdam
Following ‘The Great CO2 Debate’, CARBONLAB – GROUP A, IABR and the KeileCollectief are hosting the debate ‘Carbon Stories: Climate Positive Materials’. Together with architects and stakeholders from the building sector, we zoom in on material innovation in construction. How can we accelerate the transition to…
January 20, 2001
We need to talk about installations!
Carbon Stories #9
KeilepandKeilestraat 9F, Rotterdam
Installations are a blind spot in the world of embodied carbon. Can we get a grip on this? Can these emissions be reduced? Do we really need all these installations? Thursday, June 20, GROUP A-CARBONLAB, International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) and KeileCollectief organize the 10th Carbon Stories debate…