After the unexpected resignation of Dutch State Secretary Uslu, we are delighted to welcome deputy State Secretary and director of the Creative Industry, Youssef Louakili, for a visit to the Bospolder-Tussendijken district and the former Merwe-Vierhavens city harbor area, at the invitation of the IABR, on 14 December. Both areas have been designated by the City of Rotterdam for radical (energy) transitions with far-reaching spatial and social consequences.
During this tour, Youssef Louakili will meet inspiring designers and entrepreneurs and visit resident initiatives that are contributing in innovative ways to the creation of a socially sustainable, inclusive and climate-resilient living environment. These initiatives emphasize the importance of emancipated citizenship, local ownership by residents, and the strengthening of (sub)networks inside and outside the districts. Some of the places we will visit during the tour are the Huis van de Toekomst, Cityförster, the Voedseltuin, the IABR, and Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven Architects.
Youssef Louakili visits BoTu and M4H

- December 14, 2023
- Bospolder-Tussendijken district and the former Merwe-Vierhavens city harbor area
- Keilestraat 9, Rotterdam