
Ministry of Make! Contributes to the Brabantse Week van het Wonen


    • November 23
    • De provincie Noord-Brabant
    • Brabantlaan 1, 's-Hertogenbosch

On Thursday 23 November 2023 the Province of Noord-Brabant and the Ministry of Make! will present the debate ‘Wonen in Brabant volgens het Ministerie van Maak!’ (Living in Brabant according to the Ministry of Make!). During this physical meeting, which can also be followed online, two design teams, ZOETMULDER and Bedaux de Brouwer, will discuss urgent and local spatial challenges in Noord-Brabant with, among others, Wilma Dirken (member of the Provincial Executive for Space, Housing, Nitrogen, and Safety) and Floris Alkemade (former Dutch Government Architect and member of the Brabant Council for the Living Environment) about urgent and local spatial challenges in Noord-Brabant.

The debate is part of the public program of the Brabantse Week van het Wonen which will take place from 20 to 24 November. In Brabant, too, the need for new housing remains undiminished. By 2030 alone, the province will need 130,000 additional dwellings to meet the demand. With the slogan, ‘Tempo maken, met oog voor kwaliteit’ (Increasing the pace, with an eye for quality), the Province of Noord-Brabant is looking for ways to increase the pace of construction as much as possible, but with an eye for the careful use of space and demand-driven, sustainable, and affordable housing.

Please use this link to register for the debate on 23 November, as seating is limited: