
Mobility IABR 2003

Internationaal Forum van Debat

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    • from May 7 to July 12, 2003

The International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam is not just a visual spectacle. The purpose of the World Avenue and Holland Avenue projects was also to give architects, urban planners, landscape designers, students, filmmakers and photographers from all over the world a chance to talk to each other about their ideas, plans and visions about mobility. Therefore, lectures, symposia, presentations and debates took place during the biennale under the title International Forum for Debate.

Star Speakers Festival

This festival on thursday May 8th comprises some twenty lectures by prominent architects, scientists and urban designers who are contributing to the biennial exhibitions. Following the kick-off by Kristin Feireiss, instigator of this biennial, the Star Speakers follow including, in random order, Wiel Arets, Peter Wilson, Peter Cook, Dominique Perrault, Odile Decq, Greg Lynn, Matthias Sauerbruch, Hani Rashid, Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, Francois Ascher, Stuart MacDonald, Massimiliano Fuksas, Kees Christiaanse, Adriaan Geuze and Christoph Ingenhoven. These lectures are supported by interviews, public interventions, critical debate and on-line commentary.

Great Biennale Debate

Under the chairmanship of Marcel van Dam, former Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, on June 16 a national debate will be organized in which mobility will be discussed in a broad forum. Representatives from the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, the various administrative layers of the seven Randstad cities, trade and industry, scientists, interest groups and independent consumers will be present.

Propositions about burning issues will be put before some twenty prominent guests. The propositions will cover such issues as the need for government agencies to involve architects in interdisciplinary design teams for spatial policy. Other questions will include the shifting responsibilities of architects as a result of the growth in scale of mobility and the cultural identity of infrastructure in the Dutch landscape.

Symposia World Avenue and Holland Avenue

These two symposia on May 8, 9 and 10 are being organized for the ten universities and twelve academies of architecture that have participated in the World Avenue and Holland Avenue exhibitions. The objective is to round off the individual research and design processes jointly. In the presence of a public tribune, foreign mentors and students are first given the opportunity of presenting their research resultants and design assignments to each other. Following reactions and reflection, (intercultural) conclusions are drawn. Finally a handbook will be compiled for the continuation of work in progress.

NAi Lectures

The NAi is organizing three lecture afternoons during the biennial in collaboration with friends of the NAi and the biennial.

Space for Time, Design at Different Speeds
Saturday 24 May 13.00 - 16.00 pm

Speed up or Slow down? Speed as a factor within the design process. Moderator: Michiel Schwarz, onafhankelijk consultant op het gebied van de technologische cultuur. With the assistance of: Ole Bouman, editor in chief at Archis, Thom Mayne of architecture office Morphosis (Santa Monica, USA), Mels Crouwel of Benthem Crouwel Architects, John Thackara, director of Doors of Perception.

Structures of mobility
Saturday 28 June 13.00 - 16.00 pm

Mobility issues within the design of public buildings. Moderator: Aaron Betsky, director of the NAi. With the assistance of William Alsop, Jan Hoogstad and Jan-Willem van Kuilenburg.

Car Design
Saturday 12 July 13.00 - 16.00 pm

A number of car designers discuss their work. With the assistance of Tom Matano, former head of design at Mazda and now head of department Industrial design at the Academy of Art College in San Francisco, and Laurens van den Acker, head of design at Ford Motor Company, USA.

City Program: programs and/or exhibitions by/at AIR, AFFR, Boijmans van Beuningen, Chabot Museum, Nederlands Fotomuseum, Galerieroute, Centrale Bibliotheek Rotterdam, Goethe Institut Rotterdam, Kasteel Groeneveld Baarn, Maritiem Museum Rotterdam, Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam, Museumpark Kerk, TENT, V2_Lab, WItte de With

Holland Avenue: four TV programs in coproduction with AVRO