Visionary Power: Producing the Contemporary City serves as a source of new expertise on the future of the city in the twenty-first century. The book draws together research on the foundations of the contemporary city, discusses forces that have a bearing on its development, formulates the task for architects and urban designers, and presents strategies with which they can operate in the midst of this interplay of forces.
Visionary Power
Producing the Contemporary City

15 EUR
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Never before have so many people lived in an urban environment. The contemporary city is the arena in which diverse forms of power and the far-reaching impact of globalization interact. But while we collectively repeat these mantras and witness the worldwide explosion of cities, the concept of the city has become increasingly undefined and unexamined. This confronts us with issues that are becoming more and more urgent. What is the city? Who and what 'produces' it? Which forces steer its development? And what is the potential role of the architect?
Containing clear-cut viewpoints from internationally renowned researchers, polemical analyses and innovative strategies and projects, Visionary Power will serve as a handbook to those who find themselves confronted with the urgent need for probing reflection on the city of today and of the future.
With introductions by George Brugmans and Vedran Mimica, and contributions by Keller Easterling, Kenneth Frampton, Fernando de Mello Franco, John Urry, José Castillo, Jeffrey Inaba, Teddy Cruz, Pier Vittorio Aureli and Martino Tattara, Martijn de Waal, Alexander Sverdlov, Sharon Zukin, Yimin Zhu, Gabriele Mastrigli, Lieven de Cauter and Michiel Dehaene, Roemer van Toorn, Joachim Declerck, Alfredo Brillembourg and Hubert Klumpner, Blacklinesonwhitepaper and Motsepe Architects, Office Kersten Geers David Van Severen, INABA, Princeton University Center for Architecture, Urbanism and Infrastructure, IND, WORK Architecture Company, a-u-r-a and FÜNDC BV, bad architects group and BAUKUH.