In an age when migration is changing the face of many cities, when mass mobility and communication are altering our perception of distance and difference, when individualism has become a driving force of social life, living together in cities has become a tenuous notion. The question is no longer if we want to live together, but how to live together – and how to share the resources and opportunities cities offer.
Open City:
Designing Coexistence

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The 4th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam launched the theme Open City: Designing Coexistence to generate concrete answers to these questions. This book presents research and proposals by international experts who were asked to develop methods to facilitate access and promote coexistence in the contemporary city.
Part One:
In Part One, writers from different disciplines –architecture, urban design, sociology, ethnography, geography, law, history and economy– map various theoretical dimensions of the Open City and cosnider the global forces that challenge it.
Contributors include Ash Amin, Marc Angelil, Regina Bittner, George Brugmans, Stephen Cairns, Kees Christiaanse, Angelus Eisinger, Orhan Esen, Gerald Frug, Stephen Graham, Dieter Läpple, Mark Michaeli, Robert Neuwirth, Arnold Reijndorp, Tim Rieniets, Christian Salewski, Saskia Sassen, Peter Sloterdijk and Michael Zinganel.
Part Two:
Part Two documents research and proposals by international architects, urban designers and activists. They were asked to initiate urban design projects in situations where the Open City is most challenged. These projects were exhibited at the biennale.
Contributors include Crimson Architectural Historians, Interboro Partners, Stephen Cairns and Daliana Suryawinata, Philipp Misselwitz and Can Altay, Jörg Stollmann and Rainer Hehl, and Bart Goldhoorn and Alexander Sverdlov.