
PowerLounge - IABR 2007

SVG Placeholder
    • from May 24 to June 10, 2007

The PowerLounge was the central meeting point of the biennale in 2007. During the opening weeks this was the heart of the biennale. During the opening fortnight, this was the place where discussion will be waged on the biennale’s theme, Power, through debates, lectures, presentations and conferences.

During the day in the PowerLounge, visitors could consult the catalogue at their leisure or watch video projections. At least as long as no other biennale events took place, such as the two-day international conference Visionary Power, or the presentation and award ceremony that concludes the Master Class, or the debate Noord versus Zuid in één Randstad (North vs. South within One Randstad), part of the New Dutch City gathering, where the future plans for the Noord- en Zuidvleugels (north and south sections) of the Randstad, the urban conglomeration in the west of the Netherlands, will also be presented.

The PowerTalks brought together various players who make the city what it is: from architects, urban designers and planners to project developers, researchers and administrators. They debate the current urban agenda and challenges for architecture and urban design.

In addition, partners of the biennale such as the Royal Institute of Dutch Architects (BNA), Kristal (project developer for, as well as with, six housing corporations in the Randstad) and Atelier Zuidvleugel are also organizing various activities in the PowerLounge.

Tuesday 29 May, 17:30
Hyper Power: Keller Easterling on Dubai

Is Dubai the new prototype of the city of the 21st century?

Keller Easterling (architect, writer, urbanist and professor Yale University School of Architecture). Lecture followed by a conversation with Michaël Zeeman.

Is Dubai what the future has in store, with its special 'zones', outside conventional categories and rules? An urban future where media, entertainment and marketing are as much part of the city life as is living and working? The power of capital shaping the hyper modern city. Can we resist this kind of future?

Thursday 31 May, 17:30
Power Vision: Winy Maas and Indesem2007

The Urban Future and the Power of the Architect

Double bill: lecture by Winy Maas (MVRDV) followed by a presentation of Indesem2007: The Legacy.

Friday 1 June, 17:30
The Power of Urban Design: From London to Almere

How can urban design become an innovative force in the city?

Presentations by Peter Bishop, director of Design for London, the new urban and architecture unit set up by mayor Ken Livinsgtone, and Adri Duivesteijn, Alderman, on Almere's urban strategy. Followed by discussion, moderated by Ole Bouman (director, Netherlands Architecture Institute).

Tuesday 5 June, 17:30
Power Shift: The Dutch city is changing colour

The ‘New Dutch' and migrants increasingly define the new urban reality. But is this really taken into account in the design and planning of the city, neighbourhoods and urban environments? How to design the 'coloured city'.

Introduction by sociologist Radboud Engbersen (Movisie) on the 'colour map' of the city and the aspirations of multi-cultural Netherlands. Followed by discussion with Erik Staal (chairman, housing/building asssociation Vestia Groep) Gülami Yesildal (councillor Rotterdam-Feijenoord and Wouter Vanstiphout (Crimson architecten en Wimby!). Chaired by Pieter Hilhorst. Dutch spoken.

Wednesday 6 June, 17.30
Fear in the City: Arjun Appadurai

Arjun Appadurai (New School New York) is one of the leading international thinkers on culture, globalisation and the city. What are the consequences of global urbanisation, migration and above all fear and uncertainty for those living in the contemporary city? How can we feel at home in an environment beset by fear? And what does that mean for the urban citizen in different parts of the globe? Lecture followed by a conversation with Lieven De Cauter.

Thursday 7 June, 17:30
Public/Private Power: Publieke ruimte en private krachten

Private sector developers seek involvement in public space. What are the opportunities and responsibilities for commercial property and land developers, builders and others in shaping the public spaces of the city? A program in collaboration with AIR/Van der Leeuwkring.

With a.o. Hamit Karakus (Alderman, Housing/Spatial Planning, Rotterdam), Astrid Sanson (direcor, City & Housing Development, dS+V), Rudy Stroink (director TCN Property Projects) and members of the Van der Leeuwkring: Margriet Drijver (board, Com.Wonen), Peter van der Gugten (ceo, Proper Stok ontwikkelgroep), Hamith Breedveld (notary public, Loyens Loeff), Carol Hol (Concire). Moderator: Wytze Patijn (former Chief Government Architect, dean, Delft Univ Technology). Dutch spoken.

Friday 8 June, 17.30
The New Dutch City #2: Design Power

The opposing urban futures of the so-called South Wing and North Wing of the Randstad, appear something of an Ajax-Feyenoord football match: words and ideas versus action. What underpins these competing design strategies for the Randstad area? What role for planning and design amidst the economic and political powers?

A debate with Maarten van Poelgeest (alderman Spatial Planning Amsterdam and chairman Noordvleugel 2040 local governmental steering group), Hamit Karakus (Alderman, Housing/Spatial Planning, Rotterdam), Joost Schrijnen (project director Structuurvisie Almere 2010-2030 and former director Space & Mobility, Province of Zuid-Holland), Duco Stadig (chairman, Deltametropool association), Adriaan Geuze (West 8, landscape architects) and Mariet Schoenmakers (director AM Concepts and chair Netherlands Architecture Fund).

Chaired by Maarten Hajer (member VROM-Council Netherlands Council of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment and professor of politics, Uninversity of Amsterdam). Dutch spoken.